
Why, Hello There!

I wanted to jump on and say "Hello!" and fill you in on some of the happenings around here! Join me for a coffee or tea as I discuss budgeting, natural cleaning and some of my favorite books! 

Why, Hello There!

An Organized Life Updates!

Happy Tuesday friends! A quick blog post today to just say "Hi!" and let you know why I haven't been posting as much content as usual! 

An Organized Life Updates!

Monday Communiqué: 09/18/17

Are you ready for whatever confetti is thrown at your face this week? Join me this afternoon for another edition of my Monday Communiqué (and I promise not to get confetti in your coffee.)

Monday Communiqué: 09/18/17

Monday Communiqué: 03/27/17


I am thrilled to be able to offer my Instagram series 'Monday Communiqué' on my Blog! Check back each Monday for news, fun events or articles that I've found and updates that may be happening for the upcoming week!

Monday Communiqué: 03/27/17