A New Chapter in An Organized Life!

I’m excited to today announce an update to An Organized Life.  I started my Instagram account @an_organized_life in March 2016 as a creative outlet.  I wanted to share ideas and show the results of all my organizational endeavors. Over the last 3 years, my project has grown tremendously and taken on an entirely new form. I am proud to call it a community.  

From the get go I wanted to help you take control of your home. Only when we find sanctuary in our home can we give the best in our relationships and our endeavors outside.  So, I wanted to provide as much content as possible to help with your organizational goals. In short, I wanted my website to become a search engine for content ranging from home organization to financial planning, parenting to personal organization and everything in between. 

In the last year ‘An Organized Life’ has started to snowball. I continue to see large increases of followers from not only Instagram, but now Facebook as well. Reaching substantially more people means more opportunities to connect with followers, learn from them, find out what content would help them in their life and try to deliver to this, our fledgling community.  I have had the opportunity to have more and more guest contributors onto the site and I have started seeking out guest bloggers from different countries and ethnicities to hear their stores, so we can collectively learn from each other.  

While all these amazing things have been happening, I knew I had to take the next step in making ‘An Organized Life’ even more of an online community, and that was changing the logo. I love my original logo! My beautiful Husband commissioned the artwork from an illustrator in Italy and I will always treasure it. As amazing as it is however, it doesn’t accurately represent who we all are as a community. I reached out to a graphic designer on Upwork and worked with him to develop the amazing new logo you see before you. I absolutely love it, and I hope you do as well! 

This month in celebration of the diversity of our ‘An Organized Life’ community, I have several guest contributors that I will be sharing on the site! It is my hope that you find some new ideas, content that will be beneficial and some new friends. 

Please note that although I have a new logo, social media platforms will remain the same! On Instagram you will always see my home, life, daily moments and stories. On Facebook you will always find useful articles, posts and information. The only thing that will change is the image at the top of the screen.

Huge hugs, sweet friends!


My love and thanks

Thank you to my wonderful Husband. Without you and your continued support, encouragement and love this journey would never of been be possible. You are my world, and every room we walk into we will always be holding hands. To my strong and beautiful daughter Amelia, you have taught me more in my life then the last 32 years have taught me combined. Every day with you, is a truly remarkable and sunshine filled day. To my parents, Lynne and Tom, you gave me that moral compass that continues to guide me throughout my day. Without you I would never of been the person that I am. Thank you for supporting me through my mistakes, for celebrating my milestones and always being my cheerleaders.  My beautiful mother in law, Julia, you have given me more then you will ever know. Thank you. Thank you for raising such an amazing human being and for your continued guidance and encouragement. And to my best friend Caitlyn, thank you for always having my back and always joining me in yelling  “front counter” at the most inopportune moments. You have been my best friend, my sister and my sounding board for too many years to count. I love you.

Need help organizing a specific aspect of your life? Check out the consultations page and lets figure it out together!