Monday Communiqué: 09/18/17

Good morning and happy Monday!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend, full of family, friends and relaxation! How are you feeling going into a new week? Do you feel prepared and ready for whatever confetti is thrown at you? What do you do to ensure that you start your Monday off to the right foot? I'd like to send a quick apology out to everyone for not posting a 'Monday Communiqué' post last week! Alas, life got in the way and I was swept up in the life of Amelia! 

On the Blog This Week!

Wednesday - I'm excited for this post! I'll be sharing the 20 books I'm planning on reading, with a challenge of finishing all of them by December 20th! 

Things I'm Loving!

Book Review: L'art de la Simplicite - I found this amazing book review of one of my current favorite reads! Katie Kuo shares her thoughts about this amazing book and her main takeaways. Check it out!

Movie: Downsizing - I think this movie is totally up my alley! I think it will be a fascinating watch and am excited to see it with a bucket of popcorn and some jr. mints! 

Tea Time Chats with Jennifer L. Scott - I love this woman and I love this tea time chat! I love this conversation about "adulting"! Absolutely agree with her thoughts about extended adolescence and love that she brings it up. (PS I would literally love to have tea with her.)

Blogger or Influencer: Cicely from First off, I love the Name 'Cicely'. It's so beautiful and just reminds me of London for some reason. I love her Instagram page and all its beauty, and her blog gives a dose of inspiration and leaves you wanting more! I'm hoping she posts more to her site soon!

my sparkjoy home

Blogging Resource: Squarespace - If you're thinking of starting a blog the first thing you're going to want to do is find a platform. There are so many amazing platforms out there right now, like wordpress and wix. I am a huge HUGE fan of Squarespace. I find their templates to be incredibly easy to use and super customizable. Although this platform requires a payment, I found it to be totally worth it for the service and having a "one stop shop" mentality. I bought my domain name directly through squarespace, set up google Admin console along with a custom mailing address and so much more. If in the future I decide to sell something on my website, Squarespace is already set up for that! For the initial investment that I made with this platform I am beyond thrilled at its functions. 

Food: Marlo's Bakeshop - My beautiful Husband was sent home with a couple containers of this Marlo's Bakeshops amazing biscotti and I may or may not have eaten everything in two days! Already excited to order more! Definitely check out their pumpkin pie biscotti. It will change your life. 

Podcast: Simple Families Podcast: Parenting

Free Printable: Konmari Checklist - Carrie from makinglemonaideblog shares a complete Konmari checklist including points and reminders to keep you motivated! Check it out if you're starting the decluttering journey with the Konmari method!

Monday Musings: Hello dishwasher. 

Over the last couple of weeks I've implemented some different things into my daily routines. One of those variations in my day to day life is the use of a dishwasher. 

"whaaaaaaaat!" I hear you say! (well... imagine you're saying in response to that. You may not be shocked... I have no idea.)

Thats right. I've changed my routine to use a dishwasher twice daily (once at 11:00AM after breakfast and the second at 3:00AM (I use my delay start on the machine to hit the cheap energy time). I made the decision to use the dishwasher primarily during my days instead of handwashing, mainly because Amelia is going through a separation anxiety phase. What does this mean? It means I'm holding Amelia's hand almost 24/7 which makes being elbow deep in warm suds almost impossible. 

I have to say I'm about 3 weeks into this new routine and ... I get it. I get why people love this machine so much! At one point I had the dishwasher on, the washing machine on and Google home playing music and I looked at my Husband and said "all the robots. ALL THE ROBOTS". (yes. I talk like that.)

Do you use your dishwasher primarily? or do you do a combination of hand washing and machine use? Let me know your routine!

I hope you have a wonderful week my friends! 
