Monday Communiqué: 03/27/17

I am thrilled to be able to offer my Instagram series 'Monday Communiqué' on my Blog! Check back each Monday for news, fun events or articles that I've found and updates that may be happening for the upcoming week!

Podcast Love

The Simple Sophisticate

Shannon has an amazing podcast out this week about the Hygge phenomenon and the similarities it shares with living a simple and luxurious life. Check it out on your podcast player!


The ladies of Housewifery have been working on their next episode which (I'm hoping?!) will air in the next couple of days! Keep checking their Instagram account or Facebook account for updates!


I've been soaking in time with my mom while she's been visiting from Canada, and will be getting back to normal schedule this week. Apologies to people that have left comments and emails! I'll get back to you ASAP!

On the blog this week

I'm excited to share some great posts this week, including a series of posts to celebrate the 2017 World Figure Skating Championships! From Wednesday thru Sunday, each day there will be a guest post from former Canadian Champion and now figure skating coach Karen Preston discussing how she organizes athletes. Whether you're a fan of figure skating, a skater, coach or an observer this series will be a must read!


Shoutout to Muniele who's lovely instagram account and positivity always inspires me! Check her out on Instagram today =)

I hope you have a fabulous week!

À demain!
