Monday Motivation

Monday Communiqué: 07/03/2017

Happy Monday friends! Today I'm sharing some amazing videos, whats coming up on the Blog this week, Podcast love and much more! Join me this morning for a coffee or tea and hangout for a bit! 

Monday Communiqué: 07/03/2017

Monday Communiqué: 06/19/2017

So excited to be posting again for my Monday Communiqué! I hope you join me for a coffee or tea and explore the changes on the blog, some exciting and inspirational videos and a Monday reflection. 

Monday Communiqué: 06/19/2017

Monday Communiqué: 05/29/2017

Take a couple of minutes out of your morning and join me with a coffee or tea as we take a glimpse about what's happening on the blog this week, some truly amazing videos and dress inspiration!

Monday Communiqué: 05/29/2017

Monday Communiqué: 04/17/2017

The newest edition of my 'Monday Communique' is now up on my blog! Today I'm talking about fleeting moments, reminiscing about the weekend and sharing my love of 'The Simply Luxurious Life'! I hope you enjoy!

Monday Communiqué: 04/17/2017