Monday Communiqué: 05/29/2017

This past weekend was a long weekend in the United States as we celebrated Memorial Day! Our little family enjoyed some food and friends at the Greek Festival in our town, some down time and (unfortunately) some time getting Amelia back to full form after a bout of the flu/cold! 

I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are ready to start a new week! 

On the Blog this week

Wednesday - I have an amazing new article from guest blogger Bethany Nolan on organizing and cleaning your bathroom! Bethany owns a small cleaning business in London, and when she's not busy with her two children she's keeping her home and business organized and thriving! Check back for this post and some natural cleaning solutions to get your bathroom sparkling! 

Friday - If you were curious about Amelia's 1st birthday you will be pumped for this post! I'm sharing some photos and inspiration on her rainbow themed bash that are easy to incorporate into your next party.  


A reminder that my Instagram and Facebook giveaway ends this Friday! Check out the posts to enter!

Amazing Reading

Leo Babauta has an amazing new blog post up entitled "A Guide to Developing the Self-Discipline Habit" which is a must read, especially with my post that went live last Friday on developing systems and routines! 

Video's of the Week

Life Skills: Changing a flat tire -  I'm sharing a video on "How to Change A Tire" because, hey, everyone should know how to do this. And now we know. Interesting for the star pattern for equal torq! Did not know that. 

Home DIY: Grouting - In need of some grout repair? Check out this how to video on "How to Repair Grout in a Shower"! It's actually incredibly quick and easy to repair your own grouting, which may save you some time and money in the future!

Simple Pleasures: Jennifer L. Scott - "What I Look Like in the Middle of the Day" I love this video and this glimpse into Jennifer's life! Amazing secret for cookies as well!

15 Minute: Yoga - Do you have 15 minutes to work out? Check out this video "Full Body 15 Minutes Lunch Break Yoga" for an awesome yoga flow!

Style Inspiration

As we head into the beginning of Summer my attention is drawn to one of my favorite pieces of clothing: dresses!  I'm loving theise dresses I found from across the web! 

I hope you had a wonderful weekend, and if you are like us and in the US than Happy Memorial day to you! We're spending the day working on some chores and getting a head start on our week!

Have a wonderful week my friends!


Our Weekend in Pictures!

We experimented this weekend with a sweet potatoe, bacon and spinach scramble! Huge success!

We experimented this weekend with a sweet potatoe, bacon and spinach scramble! Huge success!

I purchased some new napkins and they arrived on the weekend! I spent some time doing one of my favorite cleaning activities: ironing and watching an episode of 'Poirot'!

I purchased some new napkins and they arrived on the weekend! I spent some time doing one of my favorite cleaning activities: ironing and watching an episode of 'Poirot'!

One of my favorite things to share on Instagram and Facebook is my #cleankitchenatnight posts! Couldn't resist sharing this alternate view on my blog! (PS check out the beautiful flower arrangemnt my Husband did!)

One of my favorite things to share on Instagram and Facebook is my #cleankitchenatnight posts! Couldn't resist sharing this alternate view on my blog! (PS check out the beautiful flower arrangemnt my Husband did!)