Meal Planning

April Dinner Menu

This morning I’m sharing a list for my April dinner menu! This post is full of links that will send you to the recipes I use for my family! Check it out if you're looking for some menu inspiration for April or May! 

April Dinner Menu

Repas pour Bébés

Part of leading an organized life is designing meals that works for you and your family. This morning I'm sharing some of my quick, go-to recipes for my baby girl! I like to rotate these as I am (fairly) certain she will eat something off each plate!

Repas pour Bébés

Costco Top 10

I love the idea of getting some of my groceries from Costco - buying in bulk to stock up (I shop for the ‘in-between items’ from somewhere such as Trader Joes or Wholefoods) AND save the pennies...

Costco Top 10

Meal Planning 101

Planning: This step is often the most fun. I look at a variety of factors when preparing my family's dinner menu for the week. I check our calendar to see if there are any dinners out, what the weather will be like that week, if my husband.....

Meal Planning 101