Plan With Me: February Meal Planning + Links!

Happy Tuesday friends!

Today I thought I would share my February dinner menu with you! I decided to start doing themed dinner nights to make organizing our meals even easier. I start out by taking a piece of paper and writing a heading for each day of the week. Then, I scroll through my recipe index or Pinterest and find meals that fit into each day. When I switch over to my Google Calendar, all I need to do is go day by day, assigning a meal from each category as I go. I’ve included Amelia’s alternative dinner menu (lets be real here. It’s rare for her to eat what we eat. I’m just happy she eats SOMETHING.) as well as homemade snacks which I’m trying to get in the habit of making more! (snacks are expensive!).

Let’s dive in!


My Husband has a smoothie every day for breakfast that I make the evening before. My breakfast will have a cup of beans of some kind, mixed micro greens, heirloom tomato’s, one other veggie and an apple. For Amelia I rotate her breakfast from the following options each day. Each of these will also have at least one fruit and piece of cheese along with a glass of water.

  • Scrambled eggs

  • Mini souffles

  • Mini waffels

  • Cereal (Cheerios or oatmeal)

Grocery to do list

Need a List?!

Check out this free printable from Shutterfly!

Breakfast Plan


Lunch for my Husband is packed the night before and is either a mixed salad or a variation of some kind of leftovers from that nights dinner. I also have leftovers, a smoothie bowl or sandwich. For Amelia I rotate through the following options along with a fruit, a veggie (hopefully) and a treat.

  • Pasta

  • Hotdog

  • Grilled cheese sandwich

  • Egg salad

  • Fish sticks

Lunch Plan
Dinner Planning