A day in the life of An Organized Homemaker

What does a typical day look like for me as a Homemaker?

Sometimes I share a #dayinthelife on Instagram stories, and recently I’ve had several requests for a blog post about it!

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Day in the life of an organized homemaker


  1. Cleaning takes place on Saturday morning. This includes all cleaning: vacuuming, washing floors, bedsheets, dusting, washing towels, cleaning bathrooms and normally I add one additional deep cleaning item to that list. Deep cleaning could include carpet cleaning, appliance maintenance etc.

  2. Grocery shopping has its own schedule. We have one large grocery shop from Costco a month, and then two smaller shops from Nugget Markets for fresh vegetables and fruits. More on this soon!

  3. Sunday is a very relaxed day. I use some time to plan and prepare for the upcoming week, take some additional quiet time to myself, eat popcorn with my family and just hang out.

  4. Plans change. My schedule has changed probably 5 times so far this year (and its September!). The key to my successful schedule is always ensuring my priorities are where they need to be. As long as my priorities are in check, my schedule can change and I’ll be totally fine with it.

Schedule as of September 14, 2020

5:30-6:00 (am) - I wake up , have coffee in bed and do a budget check in. I do a budget check which includes cash flow every morning. This is honestly just for me, I like to start my day knowing exactly what’s happening in our bank accounts, cash flow and budget! If I have a load of laundry to do (Mon/Wed/Fri) I put that on now so I can hang it to dry when I come downstairs.

6:00-6:30 - Make bed, shower and personal routine. This includes brushing teeth, skin care etc. Ill discuss more of my personal care in a later post.

6:30-7:00 - I wait for my Daughter to wake up. I normally sit on the couch in our bedroom and either finish my coffee or have a second cup. This is the time that I log onto first to email to see if I need to respond to something urgently, then Instagram to answer any direct messages and then to answer comments. During this time I also try to hop onto Facebook, however my Daughter has been beating me lately to that task!

7:00-7:30 - Time block for my Daughter and I. We read a story in our “Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History” or “Little Leaders: Exceptional Men in Black History” . Then we go to Youtube and see if we can find a video about the leader we just read to learn more about them. We discuss what we’ve learned and I answer any questions for her to the best of my ability. We then get her ready for the day! Make her bed, changed, brush hair and teeth. When we head downstairs the upper floor is reset for the day.

7:30-8:00 - My daughter play’s independently while I tidy and prepare breakfast for the day. I use this time to also setup the virtual learning supplies the child I babysit will need for her day. I use breakfast prep to also prepare anything I’ll need for dinner that night. Makes clean up a bit easier. I like to wash dishes by hand and I clean as I cook to make my after meal reset quicker.

8:00-8:30 - My daughter and Husband have their breakfast and I read to her if time permits. I don’t eat breakfast, I’ve just never been a breakfast fan. After they finish eating I wash dishes and put them away.

8:30-9:00 - The child I babysit (I’m going to call her L from now on) arrives at 8:30 and I make her breakfast. My daughter keeps her company at the kitchen table and I’ll read them both a couple of stories. After she finishes they may have 5-10 minutes to play before virtual school begins.

9:00-10:00 - Virtual school for L and ABC Mouse for my daughter. I knew my daughter would feel left out without working on her own Ipad, so I decided to purchase ABC Mouse for the year, and so far we’re loving it! My daughter will be homeschooled, so our workbook time will come later. During this time I help when needed, tidy or work on writing.

10:00-10:30 - Homework for L. We work through her papers for the day together and I ensure she’s getting the hang of everything. My daughter will work on an activity I put together like cutting and pasting, shapes or sometimes just coloring.

10:30-11:30 - This time block changes depending on the day. Sometimes the girls just have free time and I use this time to create graphics for my website, catch up on editing or just general blog administration. Other times we will have an art project, bake something or they will play outside (if there’s no smoke).

11:30-12:00 - Start lunch prep. The kids are still playing (hopefully happily!) at this point, so time to get lunch ready. I make the exact same thing for each child (check out my stories you’ll probably see some ideas!). For my Husband I normally make a large salad, and myself I figure out what I want the day of.

12:00-12:45 - Lunch time. We all eat together (my Husband included). We talk about what they’re learning, tell jokes and just hang out.

12:45-1:00 - Everyone brings their dirty dishes to the sink (the kids included) and I do the dishes while everyone puts napkins and placemats away. The girls can have an extra couple minutes play time, and I set up the Ipad for L for the next virtual class.

1:00-1:30 - L has her second virtual class and my daughter and I will work through the workbooks we have assigned for that day.

1:30-2:00 - The last little bit of playtime for the girls, and I take this time to tidy up the kitchen table from our learning time, organize L’s learning material for the next day to ensure everything is there and check her online calendar.

2:00 - pick up time for L.

2:00-4:00 - Quiet time. This actually begins anywhere between 2:00-4:00. Some days I may have L longer in which case the girls will play, other times I may visit with her mom for a bit before they head out. After they leave for the day begins my habit stacking time (20 minutes Bible study, 20 minutes writing and 20 minutes blog work) . During this time my daughter can watch TV, play independently or play with my Husband if he’s done work for the day.

4:00-4:30 - Play time for my daughter and I. If she was watching TV she turns it off herself and then we play whatever she wants to play! Lately that has been LEGO’s.

4:30-5:00 - Dinner prep. My daughter has a choice during this time to help me with dinner, play by herself or just keep me company in the kitchen.

5:00-5:45 - Dinner time. We eat together at the table and share about our day. Books are never read at dinner time, only during breakfast and lunch.

5:45-6:00 - Dishes, general tidy and clean up from dinner. My daughter and Husband play together in the den, outside in the backyard or if its really nice do a bike ride or a scoot around the neighborhood. I enjoy watching a TV show on my Ipad while I clean after dinner, just because.

6:00-7:00 - Play time with our daughter, bath and then bed. We normally read 2 books before bed time and then she’s asleep about 10 minutes later.

7:00-9:00pm - Free time for my Husband and I. We like to watch a “Midsomer Murders” and hang out. My Husband always makes me a peppermint tea and sometimes we have a snack.

9:00-9:30 - Evening routine and bedtime. This includes skin and oral care.

And there you have it!

I wake up the next day and more or less do the same thing! How about you? What does a day in your life look like? If you post about it on your Instagram be sure to tag me and let me know!

Day in the life of a homemaker