Create Your Own Vacation Capsule Wardrobe

Do you have a wardrobe full of shoes and clothing, yet find yourself reaching for the same garments repeatedly? If so, you’ve successfully curated a capsule wardrobe without any effort!

The capsule wardrobe concept is appealing to many, but most individuals feel they aren’t creative enough or lack the proper pieces to complete a wardrobe efficient for all four seasons. Good news! There are no specific rules for creating a capsule wardrobe; it’s about limiting yourself to those items you feel most confident in and un-complicating your daily routine.  

With summer in full swing, vacation is the perfect time to try out your own mini capsule. Haven’t we ALL been guilty of last minute over packing? You’ll save luggage space, money and there’s a good chance you probably won’t see anyone multiple days in a row to notice you’ve worn the same trousers three days apart.

With any goal, whether it be saving financially, improving physical health or learning to play piano, planning ahead is necessary! Expert personal stylists recommend packing the same number of garments as days of travel. For example, if your vacation consists of five travel days-pack 5 clothing items to mix and match throughout the trip.  

Checking the weather of your destination is vital for success, as well as choosing versatile pieces and sketching out your daily ensembles. Layering pieces, neutral colors and simple patterns will create a perfect travel wardrobe. I use a styling app called Polyvore to visualize my capsule and then packing and dressing becomes effortless.

Check out the mini-capsule I recently created for a 5-day out-of-town work conference and how I styled each day!

Creating capsule wardrobes has been a liberating experience, freeing up time and space to be more creative in other areas and focus more on what really matters most in life. To me, that is family time and travel adventures. The added bonus is how much money I’ve been able to save my family by not impulse shopping and creating ensembles with items already in my closet. Now, about that next vacation!

Happy summer!


You can find the beautiful Erin Hendrickson writing for her blog MinimalistRD! You can also follow her daily adventures on Instagram and Twitter!