Monday Communiqué: 05/15/2017
The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.
— Socrates

Good morning friends and happy new week to you! I thought I would start off this Monday Communiqué with the above quote from Socrates. Instead of fighting the old habits and routines this week, try to focus on building new ones. 

This week is a bit ahead of me to begin with! With such a busy weekend and festivities I didn't have time to do my normal Sunday cleaning routine, which means it's been pushed to today with the other tasks. I'm gearing up for a grocery store run and meal prep this afternoon while Amelia has her second nap! Going to power through today!

On The Blog This Week

Wednesday - I'm excited to share the 3 part in my series "Becoming Organized"! This week I'm discussing the "Reset Button" - How to declutter, clean and organize your space. 

Friday - I will be posting a blog entitled "5 Ways to Show Love to your Partner" which I've been working on for the last month or so! I hope you enjoy it!

Podcast Love

So many amazing podcast episodes are out this week. I'm so excited to spend some time diving into them!

The Goal Digger Podcast - Jenna Kutcher has an episode out entitled "Creating a Business with Impact" that I'm excited to check out! 

The Simple Sophisticate Podcast - Shannon Ables is back this week with "6 Life Lessons for Living Well from Julia Child" which looks amazing! 

Housewifery - My favorite ladies are back with an episode entitled "Mother's Day" which I'm dying to start listening to! 

Video's of the Week

The TEDx talk "Do the first 1000 days determine the rest of your life?" by DeeDee Yates takes an indepth look on how the first 1000 days in a child's life is crucial to their physical, emotional and social development. Incredibly interesting view! 

Jennifer L Scott has a new vlog up where she is discussing a new book entitled "Goodbye, Things" and I am just so excited to find a copy and devour it! 

Style Inspiration for the Week

I thought it would be fun to start sharing some style images that are inspiring my week! I'm absolutely in love with these images. I love classic style, simple lines and the elegance in these pictures!


Monday Musings

This was, as you probably know, a big weekend for us. With Amelia's first birthday alongside my first ever Mother's day, family in town visiting and friends over to celebrate, we had a full and exciting weekend!

After the festivities were over on Sunday afternoon; after our guests had eaten their cake, did some swimming, enjoyed some amazing food and the cleaning had begun, I took an hour out to decompress and do some personal reminiscing about this past year. 

It seems so incredibly surreal to think that a year ago today Amelia burst forth into this world. From a labor that was incredibly painful and difficult, several nights in the recovery ward trying to pull ourselves together and many sleepless nights following those hard days, we've arrived a year later to this little girl whose fully walking around by herself. A little girl who is tough, who can fall down (hard) and get back up to try again. A little girl who (almost) sleeps through the night, who loves her Dada more than any other person in the world and who desperately wants to be a grown up with her own cell phone. 

In this past year we have started to raise this incredibly determined, strong, self confident and intelligent child. A child that loves to read, loves to explore and loves to play in water. A child who hates when you try to feed her when she's not hungry, who isn't a fan of TV and who dislikes staying still for more than 5 minutes at a time. 

This is a job unlike no other I've experience. One that you can see your hard work and efforts paying off almost immediately. I feel so incredibly fortunate to have this opportunity to raise our Amelia. I am so excited to watch her grow in the next year and help her become the best person she can be. 

I hope you had a wonderful weekend and Mother's day. And I hope you spent it with some people that made you feel incredibly special and loved. 



My weekend in pictures! 

My first Mother's day was truly specatcular! Along with coffee in bed I recieved gifts, flowers, candy and of course, cuddles =)

My first Mother's day was truly specatcular! Along with coffee in bed I recieved gifts, flowers, candy and of course, cuddles =)

Amelia's birthday wreath turned out fantastic! I purchased inexpensive lays, snipped them and then tied them to my wooden branch wreath from Michaels. I used 4 lays in total, green wire to tie them to the wreath itself, and then finished it with a rainbow ribbon!

Always love this breakfast!

Always love this breakfast!

We went for a beautiful walk in our local park with our guests and stumbled upon this butterfly (that didn't mind having its picture taken!)

We went for a beautiful walk in our local park with our guests and stumbled upon this butterfly (that didn't mind having its picture taken!)

I am so incredibly pleased with how Amelia's cake turned out! This is a 6 layer vanilla rainbow cake with vanilla buttercream frosting between the layers, a white chocolate ganache drip on top and finished with some massive lollipops and her candle!…

I am so incredibly pleased with how Amelia's cake turned out! This is a 6 layer vanilla rainbow cake with vanilla buttercream frosting between the layers, a white chocolate ganache drip on top and finished with some massive lollipops and her candle!