Monday Communiqué: 04/03/17

Welcome to the second edition of Monday Communiqué! I hope you had a truly fabulous weekend and are ready and excited for the upcoming week. Before I jump into today's highlights, I'm curious to know how you plan out your week? Do you use a paper planner? Filofax? Digital? What makes your week run smoothly and allows you to achieve your goals? Comment below or shoot me an email and let me know!

Podcast Love

I have found a new podcast that I am absolutely in love with called 'The Goal Digger Podcast' by Jenna Kutcher! Her podcast is "The live-workshop style business podcast for creative girl bosses, so you can train from the experts how to dig in, do the work, and tackle your biggest goals along the way.". If you have an idea for a small business or are currently running your own, you should check out what Jenna has to say!

Good Reads

I've just started reading "The Magnolia Story" by Chip and Joanna Gaines. So far I'm enjoying it! I'm looking for recommendations as well from you guys. Do you have a favorite book or series of books that you love? Let me know in the comments as well! I think I need a new murder mystery series as well. 

This Week on the Blog

This week I have an AMAZING blog post from my friend Charlene at Teacher by Trade Mother by Nature! Charlene is sharing her Easter craft box post! You will find a HUGE amount of inspiration and ideas to create your own Easter craft box for your kiddos (or yourself, which is absolutely what I plan on doing). 

Also this week on the blog will be the next edition of my series '10 Minute Organization'. This week I am tackling our baby girl's bookshelf, so be sure to check back for that post. 

I have a friend (who could be one of the best photographers I've ever known) who has allowed me to share some of his amazing images with you guys. I will be posting them in the 'Life' section over the next several months and I can guarantee you will LOVE them! These photos will make fantastic wallpapers for your Desktop, phones or tablets! 

Instagram Family

Going forward I will be posting the direct link to the most current blog post in the website section at the top of my Instagram page. I wanted to make it super easy for everyone to find the latest post and not have to scroll or use the search bar. 

Monday Musings

At the beginning of each month I double check and submit my Amazon order for the month ahead. On the weekend as I looked over my list of items to purchase (I purchase household items and baby supplies), I realized I had added two additional bibs to my list (I use Tommee Tippee bibs) and I paused to ask myself why I had added this to my basket. I have two bibs currently, one is green and its home is at the back of Amelia's high chair and the other (pink one) resides in her diaper bag for eating on the go. I paused and asked myself why I felt that I needed to have two additional bibs in the kitchen. I think initially I thought it would be safer to have several bibs in the house incase the green one was dirty, and then I thought "but why would the green one every remain dirty?". I hand wash everything at the end of each meal, so in reality that green bib would never actually be dirty long enough for me to have to scramble to find another bib. I quickly deleted the additional two bibs from my Amazon order and after reviewing items again, pressed submit.

I'm sharing this story (thanks for sticking with me until the end btw!) for a couple of reasons.

  1. The daily routines that I have developed and implemented in my home allows me to cut down even further on excess and keep my kitchen as clutter free as possible. Developing your own daily routines will help you tremendously on identifying what's essential to you and keep you focused on what enters your space. 
  2. Keeping my home and environment as clutter free as possible is an ongoing process. It is so incredibly easy for me to just click 'Place Order' on the shiny Amazon website, but the end result of that order will mean additional bibs to clean and also store. Constantly reviewing items to purchase and items that enter our home will save money and ultimately time. 

Going into this week my goal is to be as intentional as possible with every purchase I may make or anything that enters our space (physical as well as virtual). This, albeit small, event has served as a reminder to me to be as conscious as possible throughout my day.

Pretty big reminder from two bibs. 

Yours in a "case of the Mondays" 


Some highlights from my weekend, as well as some inspiration for the week ahead!