The Calm Homemaker

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7 Steps to Self Rejuvenation

One of the biggest challenges for us during this quarantine is to take some timeout to recharge ourselves. But taking baby steps towards this goal will help lift your mood and increase your productivity.

Today, I want to motivate you to take care of yourself. Often time, with day to day work and family needs we forget to look after ourselves. You keep pouring all the love on someone else and forget to pour some on yourself. As a busy mom/wife this can be extremely hard to take time out for, it might seem impossible and you might even feel guilty about giving yourself priority. We forget the most important fact that we need charge ourselves just like our devices.

As a new blogger and a working mom of two kids, I am here to share with you 7 simple steps to help rejuvenate.

Remember to take water breaks during your day

This is the simplest and the most neglected habit in our lives. Small changes in our routine will help to get into a habit of drinking more water. Set reminders to drink 1 glass of water every 2 hours. And once you meet that, slowly work your way up consuming more fluids.

Avoid Multitasking

This can be extremely stressful and quickly bring down our energy levels. Instead, every morning make a list of items that you need to get done that day and make sure to prioritize them. By doing one thing at a time you will realize that you make fewer mistakes and get more done by focusing on the current to-do. Once you begin your tasks, keep yourselves from anything can cause distractions so you can get better control of your day.


Sit in your balcony/backyard/by the window and read a few pages of your favorite book. Inhale the fresh breeze. Listen to the sound of swishing leaves and birds singing.

Earphones on World off

Put on your earphones, play some music or your favorite podcast and step out. Take a walk, alone, even if it is just for 15 minutes. The best thing about taking walks alone is that you can set your own schedule. You are free to walk at your own pace and let your mind wander in your own thoughts.


Wake 20 minutes before your family and use that time to exercise or do yoga outdoors. Let your body breathe in the morning sunshine. This will not only improve your mood but also help you feel focused and calm.

Just Pause

Or sometimes just don’t do anything at all. Lay down for a few minutes, close your eyes, and think of something that brings you joy. I want you to know that it is alright to not get it all done, it is alright to take a pause and start again.


End of the day, once you’re in bed, take a few minutes to write down 3 things you are grateful for that day. This helps let go of any anxiety, stress, and get a good night’s sleep.

Summary: To incorporate these into one’s daily life might be difficult at first and even stress you more but remember you’re not doing anything wrong. It is very easy to choose to ignore this need and we end up pushing our limits. Give yourself the permission to take a break and your future-self will thank you.

My name is Aehrar T. I am a Sr. Business Intelligence Analyst and a Mom of 2 kids juggling through life. I have recently stepped into blogging and I write about this wonderful journey of motherhood and lifestyle. My writings are words straight out of my heart. Visit my Instagram page to learn more about me and my life.