The Calm Homemaker

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PIVOT and Figure Out Your Jam!

No matter who or where you are, one of the things you have done or are likely doing is figuring-out how to adjust to our new normal. As a Professional Organizer, COVID-19 Pandemic, clearly has me rethinking and assessing how to operate in a manner that still allows us to service our clients while taking necessary precautions to remain healthy. This means as a business owner, I have had to PIVOT. Just as important as establishing creative ways to meet our clients’ need during this period is continuing to enjoy the provided service(s). This meant I had to take a hard look at services currently offered to honestly take a deeper dive into each area to identify which areas were truly my passion. What I discovered is that I really liked organizing kitchens and pantries; enjoyed speaking engagements and teaching organizing skills; and, styling small spaces. I also discovered that, when it involved Closets and Colors — it definitely “sparked much joy!” In essence, “Closets and Colors are My Jam!” It’s that thing that I can do without much thought, it is that which I look forward to doing and sharing, it is that space and topic that I enjoy transforming while time escapes me… it is pure delight!

So here are a few tips to pivot and figure-out your jam:

  1. Try new things–do it afraid, but do it! One of the best ways to experience and know for yourself what works and doesn’t work for you is to try it. I have been reassured that I am really not as excited about organizing garages and basements despite the many Pro Organizers who do!

  2. Identify your gifts. I actually enjoy communicating whether in writing or speaking, when I have a passion for that specific topic. My career in Information Technology (IT) Management career required me to speak on subjects not passionate to me, so I shied away from speaking. Not all a loss, my IT career strengthened my ability to manage projects, multi-task and communicate.

  3. Pay attention to the areas of your life that excites; it’s usually that “thing” you anticipate doing. Again for me, Closets and Color are my JAM! I love order in all areas of my life but especially in closets, it is at the heart of saving time, money and starting your day efficiently. Beyond organizing and simplifying, if you understand and identify colors that best suit the client and their spaces, it assists the process of purging and eliminating items that don’t.

  4. Stay in your lane and share YOUR gifts. The organizing world is very broad and there are many specialty areas. However, once you have tried different things, identified your gifts and are clear on your purpose, then stay in your lane and do it passionately. Don’t offer a service or do it because everyone else is. Reducing my services to a few that I do extremely well, will serve our Clients and me well.

It is with certainty that this season has impacted your home and life, and you have had to assess your life’s purpose and day-to-day activities. Despite it all, I am so thankful for the moments of quietness and clarity that helped confirm how to share my gifts to better serve and move forward. If you don’t learn anything else during this period, make time to assess what excites, what things you could see yourself doing for a long time, and who and what is important to retain in your life. Write it down and make it plain, PIVOT as necessary and figure-out Your Jam!



D’Vine Order

Be sure to connect with Dalys over Instagram, Facebook or directly to her website!


Dalys Macon is a wife and mother of two young adult sons. Her life revolves around Christ, family, friends and all things yielding to living a simplified and healthy lifestyle.

After more than 10 years of organizing her family and friends’ homes, her passion for organization now fuels her mission--using her gifts to transform and bring order to her clients’ space. 

As a teen growing up in the Republic of Panama, Dalys maintained an orderly room and a closet admired by friends. Her mom was a seamstress, who ensured their home was not only organized but styled. As a result, she developed a love for beautiful homes and clothing at an early age. Add to that, her dad was a talented artist, so she also inherited a keen eye for color and design. The creative freedom they allowed, planted a gift that developed in a way that does not come naturally to many. 

After a 35+ year career spanning from military service to Information Technology management, D’Vine Order unlocks her creativity. As a Professional Organizer in the Washington, DC Metro area, she loves helping clients achieve a space that not only speaks to their current life chapter but more importantly, to where they’re going. Dalys also created @blackgirlswhoorganize platform on Instagram to help bring awareness to other Black and minority Professional Organizers. It is her hope to have minority Pro Organizers representation increased across all platforms, especially in print media. Dalys’ favorite space to organize are closets and spaces focused on function, style and color. Through D’Vine Order, it is her mission to have “Your Space Organized, Simplified and Styled.”