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5 Home Organisation Tips for Freelancers to Follow

Staying productive is one of the biggest challenges of being a freelancer, especially when you work at home. But a little home organisation can go a long way in maximising productivity. The more organised your working environment is, the easier it will be to focus on the tasks at hand. Home organisation starts with good time management and smart scheduling. Follow these home organisation tips to improve your productivity as a freelancer:

Minimise Your Distractions

When you work from home, it’s important to minimise your distractions as much as possible. Ideally, your workspace should be far away from the TV or your bed. Setting boundaries between your working zone and relaxation zone will put you in the right mindset for work. Make sure your work zone is clear of any items that could distract you. You should also set ground rules for other people in the household. Make it clear what your working hours are so they know you’re not to be disturbed. 

Set Up a Functional Workspace 

The design of your workspace will depend on the type of work you do. Will you need a designated area for production? If you have enough space in your home, consider dividing your office into different work zones. This will help you organise your various work tasks.

Comfort is a priority when you work from home. If you’re going to be working on a desk,

look for an ergonomically designed chair that provides proper back support. Clear your desk of any clutter and find a space to store your everyday supplies. You’ll also need a filing system for your important documents so that you don’t have papers piling up on your desk. 

Update Your Home Network 

A high-speed, reliable internet connection is essential for all freelancers working from home. Updating your home network will make all the difference to your daily productivity and organisation. To save money, look for an internet plan that allows you to bundle your home’s power and broadband

Set a Schedule 

When you’re your own boss, you can work whenever it suits you. But having too much flexibility isn’t always a good thing. If you don’t follow a proper routine, your days will become disorganised and frantic. It’s much more productive if you set hours and time limits for each workday. 

To stay organised at home, treat your freelancing job like any other full-time job. Write down a schedule of your working hours each day. Choose the hours in which you will be the most productive. If you’re a morning person, you can prioritise your most important work tasks in the early hours of the day.  

Keep Track of Your Tasks & Responsibilities

Staying organised means being in control of your tasks and responsibilities. Since you don't have a boss telling you what to do, it’s up to you to come up with a plan.

Write down all your goals for the week on a whiteboard or a large piece of paper. Put it right above your desk so that you constantly have this reminder in front of you. What projects and milestones need to be completed? In addition to your weekly goals, you should write down a to-do-list at the start of each workday.

At the end of each workday and week, check back to the list to see if you completed your goals. If you weren’t successful, then something needs to change. You can use this opportunity to improve your time management and scheduling.


Get started on home organisation today. With a functional workspace design, speedy internet and some detailed planning, you’ll be more focused throughout the workday. 

A freelance writer from New Zealand, Cloe Matheson, has written articles on different topics from career and business to home and lifestyle. Check out more of Cloe’s work on her blog.