The Calm Homemaker

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Monday Communiqué: 07/10/17

Good morning and happy Monday to you! 

The weekend has gone by in a bit of a flash - full of pool parties, stick baby fingers from popcicles, work on our home and our house full of family and friends. As I enter into a new week and a new to-do list I am left with the small happy moments lingering as I sip my coffee and tackle this list. 

An Organized Life SHOP!

I am BEYOND excited to finally share what I've been working on for the last several weeks - An Organized Life Shop!

I have been working for many weeks on tracking down, copy and pasting and designing a "shop" for the website where you can find all of my favorite organizational products, books that I love, simple pleasures and so much more! My goal is to update the shop each month with anything new and exciting I find so please check back often! I've got a couple of more surprises I will be sharing with you over the next couple of weeks that I am equally as excited about! 

Video's of the Week

Bathroom Organization - I stumbled upon the youtube channel of "Do It On A Dime" with Kathryn and I absolutely fell in love with her! I'm loving this video entitled "Unique Secrets to Organize a Small Bathroom!"

Budgeting - I'm a huge fan of budgeting, saving money, taking control of your finances, leading a simpler life etc. So, when I discovered that people we're doing videos of their budgets and planning on Youtube I was like "Whaaaaat!" and proceeded to dive down that rabbit hole and lose a couple of hours in the Youtube universe. I found some amazing accoutns and videos and today I thought I would share this budget planner setup from 'Favorite Daughter Emily' . Do you have a budget binder or planner? How do you organize your finances?

Podcast Love

The Homemaking Foundations Podcast - I have been listening to Jami Balmet podcast for about a year now and it occurred to me the other day that I have yet to share it with you! Jami blogs at and also has her podcast The Homemaking Foundations Podcast which I am a big fan of. My favorite episode is #32 - When Motherhood is Tough. That episode got me through some tough nights. This is a Christian based podcast but whether you're religious or not this podcast is full of amazing information and I encourage you to check it out.

How was your weekend? Are you planning anything fun for the week ahead!?



Our Weekend in Pictures!

My Husband and I have recently introduced more of a Paleo diet into our lifestyle (which basically means we eat primarily meat, veggies and fruit. Nothing processed, no grains or carbs basically. Saturday we had an amazing steak and veggie kabob over arugla! 

The healthiest dessert we've had in a while - homemade strawberry sorbet! Take a bag of frozen strawberries, toss them in a food processor, add 1/4 cup of maple syrup and a dash of honey and blend until smooth. Ta-Da!